PL-0001Bl 48 "-84" rod curtain

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Hiji rod curtain lengkep Ngawengku hiji rod adjustable, 2 finials, sarta sakabeh hardware instalasi keur hiji leutik keur sedeng-ukuran jandela

model: PL-0001bl

bahan Finial: plastik ;(aya: beusi,poli résin,sagelas sadia)

rod diaméterna : 3/4-5/8 inci; (aya: 1″-7/8″,3/4″-5/8″,5/8″-1/2″,1/2″-3/8″,1¼”-1⅛”)

bahan rod: beusi, Long-lasting metal rod is made of premium quality iron that can withstand the weight of heavy curtains (aya: stainless steel ,alloy séng, alloy aluminium)

panjang : Adjustable iron rod will accommodate your window size. Teu perlu nyaho diménsi pasti beforehand. Fits sadaya jandéla antara 48 inci nepi 84 inci lega.(aya: 28″-48″,48″-84″,36″-66″;84″-120″,86″-120″,42″-120″,66″-120″,36″-72″,72″-144″,30″-85″)

barang-barang tambahan : Hadir kalawan sagala hardware ningkatna kaasup screws, anchors, jeung kurung ningkatna diperlukeun pikeun instalasi gampang.

perlakuan permukaan : electroplating (nikel, seng, Chrome, tambaga jeung kuningan), semprot-dicét (kabéh kelir)

paket: PVC,pe,pepet,molotok,kotak warna,kotak kraft,atawa ngaropéa pakét


Instantly upgrade your entire living area with these premium drapery rods

by Huisheng Art&pabrik kado

These curtain rods add more glamour to the interior of your space and give it an artistic touch. If you want to increase the elegance of a room, then you must choose the best curtain rod design which is suitable for your room’s glory. Tapi bari milih desain rod curtain, finish artistik teu hijina kriteria. Anjeun oge kudu mertimbangkeun bahan jeung kualitas rod curtain logam. Batang kedah awét sareng kualitas luhur supados henteu pegat atanapi karat.

Huisheng Art-Gift Factory Window Treatment Drapery Rods are the best option for you to choose while shopping for adjustable metal curtain rods.Curtain rods with Crystal finails is made from premium quality materials. Na well-dirancang, Struktur sturdy nambihan kana decor na pedalaman sagala rod room.The baris tahan maké jeung cimata, tur nyimpen kamar anjeun pilari gede pikeun lila.